Passing Those College Courses

Passing Those College Courses
By: Lakeithea

We can all sit around and discuss past failed test, professors who just didn’t understand, and boring classes but really does anyone ever discuss how to overcome those problems. I can admit being a full-time college student, working, extra curriculum activities and just life itself can make a college student overwhelmed and frustrated. Students have complained over and over about how professor’s just don’t understand that we can’t simply study for each class for three hours a day. Like who thought that would be realistic in any way?

Through my years of college I have found there are a few things that can be done that can actually help the college student to be able to cut down on the cramming and putting more into the work without having to overwhelm yourself.

1. Actually participate in class- There is a difference between an active student then a sleeping student. The active student leaves the class with understanding of the lesson taught. When you finally get to reading the chapters you are able to relate what you learned from class presentations making it easier to keep the knowledge retained easier.
2. Speak up- Why leave out the door and be clueless. 1. This is your major it will benefit you in some way possible. 2. It will keep you from stumbling the day of the test because you were to scared to raise your hand and ask questions.
3. When reading information from power points and lesson books find a way to recite the information back to a form you would understand. Grab note cards and design questions and answer in a way that you understand and fit for your knowledge of the information. Never just read, you must retain and be able to recite out what you have learned.
4. Study the information continuously! You will find that the more you look over the information the more you start to remember the information. Even if it’s 30minutes a night. If your test is in two weeks those 30 minutes will come in handy more then that two days of cramming.
5. BIG ONE: Sit in front of the class. Students who sit in front of the class seem to participate more, therefore understanding more. When you are sitting up front you are less distracted and more active.

We will continue to provide you with more tips and college stories…P.S we can never give advice on college stories we haven’t experienced in some way ourselves!! Check out the past article Mental Thoughts of a Recent College Graduate.


Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly | October 2, 2010 at 8:05 PM

Excellent tips!!! I really like the 30 minutes a day idea.

It's My Style Show | October 5, 2010 at 9:24 PM

I'm going to make sure I'm taking my own advice! We need to all get in school mode.